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Coding is a tough skill, and it might exist difficult to find a reputable online learning platform to be able to beginning learning it. That's why many people turn to various different reviews for help. Today, in this CodeCademy review, nosotros'll take a expect at a platform that is widely considered to be one of the best sites defended to learning how to code.

Simply as many other Lawmaking Academy reviews, we'll start by covering the company itself - what it is, what information technology does and so forth. After that, we'll check out the platform itself - I'll tell y'all nigh the various features that it has, the pricing policies, nosotros'll talk about is Codecademy Pro worth it and then on.

Before we begin, allow me just say in advance - if you'd like to observe some better CodeCademy alternatives, check out Udemy or edX. These are among the best MOOC providers in the manufacture!


  • Piece of cake to apply and navigate
  • Has a few different plans, including a gratis ane
  • One of the best places online to learn how to code


  • The technical side of things could utilise some improvement
  • Free courses are too general
  • Sometimes, information technology's tough to detect relevant information

Tabular array of Contents

  • 1. Codecademy Review: Introduction
  • 2. Ease of Utilize
  • 3. Content Quality
  • 4. Features
  • 5. Price
  • 6. Learning Feel
  • 7. Conclusions

Codecademy Review: Introduction

Let'south start this Codecademy review past briefly talking well-nigh the company behind the code learning platform. Afterwards all, it's probably a proficient thought to learn almost the people backside the website and the entire project before we start analyzing their services, correct?

Codecademy came out all the way dorsum in 2011. Information technology's a New York-based MOOC company that specializes in providing people with courses centered around the topic of coding.

Codecademy offers students fourteen different programming languages to acquire at their ain leisure. These include some of the most pop languages that are currently dominating the task market, such every bit Java or Python.

Furthermore, the company offers two more than options, in addition to their basic learning plan - the Codecademy Pro and the Codecademy Pro Intensive.

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Ease of Utilize

The cistron of just how easy it is to use and navigate the site is very important when it comes to an e-learning platform being successful and respected within the community. If a website is clunky and confusing, chances are that visitors are not going to get by the primary landing folio.

My first impressions upon visiting the main Codecademy landing page were… Interesting. I must admit, it took me a few seconds to annals what I'thousand looking at. And it'south not because there was some obscurity or modern art installation in front of me.

Codecademy review: Codecademy front page.

Actually, the page was pretty generic -  it's just that everything was and so upwardly shut and in your face! I have to admit, though, that after scrolling a tad chip down, I apace got used to it.

The page itself is pretty generic equally far as educational platform landing pages get. You have the signup class, an obligatory video telling how corking the company is (although I have to acknowledge - their video did seem pretty 18-carat), some testimonials and a modest listing of reasons why you should choose Codecademy as your online code-learning platform.

Overall, a pretty basic forepart page - although that's non necessarily a bad thing!

There are two sections which yous tin go to from the main page - the customs section and the total catalog. I would first talk nigh the community department and how easy (or hard) it is to navigate through it, only after 10 seconds of waiting and not seeing the page give out any signs of possible life, I gave up.

Their catalog, though, was quite refreshing. Not many Codecademy reviews mention this when they discuss is Codecademy good, but I actually found their form layout to be somewhat unique.

The catalog was easy to navigate (you lot could sort the courses by languages, subjects and memberships plans), the courses buttons presented only the essential information. It was refreshing since it didn't endeavor to stuff a ton of information downwardly your throat.

The course pages themselves are great, too. They have a very minimal amount of essential data displayed on them - no needless nonsense, no popups, none of that stuff. I immediately understood what I clicked on and was presented with possible courses of action (enroll in the course, read the summary, etc.) even faster.

Codecademy review: Codecademy courses.

All things considered, I have to say that a lot of Codecademy reviews fail to mention that the user interface of the platform is both aesthetically pleasing and very uncomplicated to navigate and use. Pretty cool!

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Content Quality

As the infamous saying goes - content is male monarch! That couldn't be truer - the platform tin can take the nicest and most inviting of designs, offer all courses costless of charge and advertise like mad - if the content sucks, no i's going to spend fourth dimension actually dealing with it.

That doesn't seem to be a problem for Codecademy, though. A lot of users mention this in their Codecademy reviews, only the content on the platform is actually upwards to par!

The company stresses that the learning quality of the students is actually important, and it seems that they're keeping upwards with their words! Codecademy constantly updates its courses and aims to bring in new and relevant learning cloth into the site.

A lot of people ask "is Codecademy Pro worth it?" or write Codecademy Intensive reviews. Truth exist told, nigh of the feedback that these ii versions of the platform have is relatively positive - prices seem to be some of the only known problems (nosotros'll talk well-nigh that later).

All in all, the quality of the content presented on the site does seem to be in line with what the company says its values and goals are. Since good content is then of import, this is a big matter indeed!


Interesting and unique features are some of the main ways that online learning-based platforms try to distinguish themselves from their contest. Some offer interactive courses, others - dissimilar subscription plans, memberships and promotions. Equally a lot of Codecademy reviews state, this site is exactly one of such platforms.

Codecademy offers its users three different ways to acquire on their site - gratuitous courses, Codecademy Pro and Codecademy Intensive.

  • Free courses. For the longest amount of time, the bulk of the courses on the platform were free of accuse. All yous had to exercise is register and kickoff learning. Since the inception of the other ii paid plans, nevertheless, the number of free courses has experienced a downfall (which is pretty obvious from most Codecademy Pro Intensive reviews and Codecademy Intensive reviews). However, at that place are all the same some courses on the site that tin can exist accessed and taken gratis of charge.
  • Codecademy Pro. The subject to the pop question "is Codecademy Pro worth information technology?", is like the "premium" plan that the website offers. It includes various quizzes, personal projects, learning paths and so on - things that would otherwise not be accessible to a free user. Equally Codecademy puts information technology themselves, this premium programme is designed for people who want to take their learning experiences one step further.
  • Codecademy Pro Intensive. Every bit a lot of Codecademy Intensive reviews volition tell you, this is basically the hardcore version of Codecademy Pro. Hither, you will find (in improver to the previous features) extra curriculums, deadlines, designated Slack channels, exams, and then on. It'south a boot camp version of what you desire to learn, basically.

These are the chief features that Codecademy offers to its students. Even though in that location are quite a few Codecademy Intensive reviews and Codecademy Pro Intensive reviews found online, people still wonder and ask is Codecademy Pro worth it and is Codecademy good, in general?

I have to say, co-ordinate to the "Content Quality" section that nosotros've covered higher up, the platform does seem to have some awesome features. Just, before y'all brand any decisions of your own, in that location is 1 more factor that comes into play because Codecademy reviews - the cost.


As with probably most other popular online learning platforms, the biggest portion of negative feedback that Codecademy receives revolves around the prices. Permit's take a closer look, shall we?

As I've mentioned a bit earlier in this Codecademy review, most of the courses that Codecademy was offering at the beginning were free. Since they started promoting their upgradable plans, however, people became skeptical.

Codecademy review: Codecademy plans.

The Codecademy Pro membership costs $19 USD per month - this means that it'southward a subscription-based pricing model. Equally opposed to that, their Codecademy Intensive programme costs $199 USD per course. Additionally, it could price more depending on the subject matter, course topic complexity, etc.

Surely, if you lot're a long-fourth dimension Codecademy user, then your Codecademy Pro Intensive review might not be all that pleasant. The "OG" users do say that it'southward a bit of a shame that the site transitioned from beingness nearly exclusively free to charging near $200 USD for a form.

Certain, there even so are gratuitous courses that people can admission, but there's a problem with that, as well.

Many Code Academy reviews country that the free courses are basically a "one glove fits all hands" blazon of a deal. They do not accept into business relationship a user's skill level and tin spring from being super-basic on ane lesson to really advanced in the next.

This tin can be really frustrating - it makes students experience like the free courses are nothing more than than "fillers of space" so that the site could proclaim that it does, indeed, offering courses costless of charge.

Learning Experience

As the final signal of reference, I've chosen to encompass the overall learning experience that the site provides. Even though this is probably the near abstract and subjective benchmark of them all, it does play a huge part both in the pupil's opinions nigh Codecademy, and the Codecademy reviews.

Codecademy review: Codecademy learning.

The full general consensus virtually the learning experience in Codecademy seems to be relatively positive. And, to be honest, I tin run across why. Correct from the getgo, the platform offers an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-understand-and-interact-with interface, a broad variety of dissimilar courses to choose from (after all, 14 programming languages is quite a lot!), and different options that would conform everyone, co-ordinate to their wants and needs.

Also, the visitor strives to evangelize some of the most relevant courses on topics that would not but be interesting to the students, just would also do good the job market place.

On the other hand, there are complaints that some of the courses tend to crash, and the instructors are not very understanding. While I cannot confirm or deny the claims near the instructors, I can run into where the "form crashing" comes in - even while writing this Codecademy review, I've experienced technical difficulties with their video actor (it lagged like hell) and their "Community" tab (still can't seem to load!).

Codecademy review: Codecademy learning.

Even though that does not necessarily sway the actual learning experience in any fashion, it'due south still something that the visitor would exercise well to wait into.

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With time, in that location are more and more than online education and learning-based companies popping up in various different parts of the net. Some are based locally, but almost of them endeavour to become a broader reach and attract a global audition in whatever way that they tin can.

This is why e-learning platforms have to constantly bear witness their A-game, update their content and offering students various promotions and other incentives.

That beingness said, it'southward really a great thing if you're a student looking for an online-based learning platform. This guarantees that you'll receive some of the all-time deals effectually, since all of these companies are competing for your attending.

Codecademy chose the route of specializing into a single, somewhat niche topic - coding and programming. Their whole content and ideas circumduct around it - and that's bang-up!

Being a niche production or service provider means that y'all tin can target a very specific audience, which then translates into a bugger memory rate than if you would, for example, offering students to teach them everything and anything. Well, at least in most cases. If you're in need of some alternative grade providers - ones that as well have a broader range of topics, too -, you should turn to platforms such as Udemy or edX.

That being said, nosotros have reached the end of this Codecademy review. As I've said,  many different people leave many different Codecademy reviews - y'all tin can't delight anybody! Withal, in this Codecademy review, I tried beingness as transparent and honest as possible.

Leave your honest Codecademy review

Leave your genuine opinion & help thousands of people to choose the all-time online learning platform. All reviews, either positive or negative, are accustomed equally long as they're honest. Nosotros do not publish biased reviews or spam. And so if yous want to share your experience, opinion or requite advice - the scene is yours!


Source: https://www.bitdegree.org/online-learning-platforms/codecademy-review

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