Content Uploads 2014 File Added Auto Root

The sheer variety of Android devices on the marketplace is staggering—i report suggests there are well over 24,000 distinct phones and tablets floating effectually out there. When you consider that each manufacturer adds a few tweaks to the Android code base here and there, that makes for a lot of software variations, which in turn means in that location needs to be many different root methods to match this multifariousness.

  • Don't Miss: Android 'Root' Explained in Detail for Beginners

While in that location may never exist a singular root method that works for all devices, developer Chainfire is at least making certain that the most common phones and tablets can exist rooted using the same exploit. His CF Machine Root utility now works for over 300 devices on their latest firmware versions, which is about as ubiquitous every bit information technology can get. To top information technology off, the utility is incredibly like shooting fish in a barrel to apply, and so I'll evidence you how to root virtually popular Android devices below.

Before Y'all Begin

CF Auto Root works by unlocking your device'south bootloader, which ways that if your bootloader is not already unlocked, you will lose all of the data on your device. If you oasis't done and then already, make certain to back up all important data on a separate storage drive.

This is also where U.S. carriers come into play. In most cases, devices from Sprint and T-Mobile will let for unlocked bootloaders, whereas devices from AT&T and Verizon Wireless are generally locked downward. Merely devices that are universal for all carriers, like Nexus and Moto X devices, allow for easily unlocked bootloaders regardless of your carrier.

International devices will for the nigh role allow y'all to unlock your bootloader.

Also note that you will demand a Windows PC to use this method on a Samsung device, but you can use either Windows, Mac, or Linux if y'all are rooting any other Android device.

It should as well be noted that unlocking your bootloader and rooting your device volition likely void your manufacturers warranty.

Pace 1: Ensure That You Have the Proper Drivers Installed

First up, for your computer to be able to fully interact with your device, you'll have to make sure you lot have the proper drivers installed on your desktop or laptop.

Samsung Devices:

If you are rooting a Samsung phone or tablet, the drivers you'll need are only available for Windows, but they can exist downloaded at this link. Once you've downloaded the file, merely extract the Cipher, then launch the EXE file and follow the prompts to get the drivers installed on your system.

All Other Android Devices:

If you are rooting any non-Samsung Android device, you'll need a different gear up of drivers. These drivers are available for all major desktop operating systems, and tin can be downloaded at the links beneath.

  • Windows Drivers: If y'all own a Windows PC, yous can download the drivers at this link. Simply run the file, then follow the prompts, and you'll exist practiced to go.
  • Linux Drivers: If y'all're a Linux user, download and excerpt this Zippo file, then run the script with Terminal.
  • Mac Drivers: For Mac users, the process of installing the proper drivers is a bit more involved. Please see our guide on the topic for more information.

Step 2: Download the Right CF Auto Root File for Your Device

Next, you'll need to download CF Auto Root, which is the tool yous'll be using to actually root your device. In that location are different versions of CF Auto Root for each of the 300+ supported Android devices, so you'll demand to be careful and make certain you download the right one.

To make sure you lot're downloading the correct CF Auto Root package, you'll first need to discover your Android device's model number. This can be done by heading to the "Near Phone" menu in Settings, and then looking for the serial of letters and numbers listed under the "Model number" entry.

(1) Galaxy S6 Edge model number. (2) Nexus 6P model number.

Once yous know your model number, yous'll likewise take to find your Android version number to make sure you're getting the right CF Auto Root package. From the same About phone menu, gyre down a bit farther and note the number listed below the "Android version" entry.

(1) Galaxy S6 Edge Android version. (2) Nexus 6P Android version.

With that information in manus, head to the CF Auto Root folio at the following link, then locate your device'due south model number in the list. From there, brand sure the numbers in the "Android" column friction match up with the Android version you plant earlier. If everything looks to be in club, click the "Download" link on the correct to become the proper version of CF Automobile Root for your device.

  • Download CF Machine Root from this link
If model number and Android version match, click "Download" to get CF Auto Root.

Step 3: Extract the CF Car Root ZIP

In one case yous've downloaded the CF Car Root parcel, locate the file on your hard bulldoze and extract the contents of the ZIP. You tin can extract the files to any folder on your computer, but make certain to think this binder'due south location for later.

Step 4: Root with Odin (Samsung Devices)

Next, if you're using a Samsung device, I'll outline the root process in this step. Otherwise, if you lot're using whatever other Android phone or tablet, skip ahead to Step 5 to see the rooting instructions for your device.

First, you'll have to put your Samsung device into Download Mode. From a powered-off state, printing and hold the book down, abode, and ability buttons simultaneously. At this betoken, you'll see a warning bulletin—merely like it says, simply press the volume up button to enter Download Mode. After that, connect your phone to your PC with a USB information cable, and so the rest of the work will be done on Windows.

Side by side, head to the binder on your PC where you extracted the contents of the CF Auto Root Zippo. From hither, right-click the Odin3-v3.Ten.X.exe file, and then choose "Run equally administrator."

Once Odin is running, wait until the box under the "ID:COM" field turns blue. Once that happens, leave all of the options selected exactly every bit they are, and so click the "AP" push button near the middle of the window.

At this point, a file browser menu will pop up, and then utilise this navigate to the folder where you extracted the contents of the CF Auto Root Naught. Finally, select the CF-Auto-Root-XXX-XXX-Xxx.tar.md5 file, so click "Open."

From hither, wait until the Log tab shows a message that says "Go out CS," and so click the "Start" push to root your device. The entire root procedure will happen automatically, and when it's finished, your phone will reboot back into Android.

If you'd similar to follow forth with a visual guide, check out Neil's video below, which outlines the process of using CF Auto Root and Odin to root a Milky way S6 Edge. Otherwise, to make sure everything went off without a hitch and y'all're successfully rooted now, skip ahead to Stride 6.

Step v: Root with Fastboot (All Other Devices)

If you're using a non-Samsung device, the actual rooting process is a tiny bit different. First, you'll need to put your device into bootloader mode. From a powered-off land, press and hold the book down and power button simultaneously. Once yous arrive at the bootloader menu (pictured below), connect your phone to your reckoner with a USB data cable.

Dorsum on your computer, navigate to the folder where you extracted the CF Motorcar Root Cypher before. From here, you'll find 2 folders and 3 files—,, and root-windows.bat. Double-click the file that corresponds to your computer's operating organization to begin.

At this point, a control prompt window volition inform you that CF Automobile Root is about to unlock your bootloader and root your device. When y'all're ready, printing any key to execute the rooting script.

From hither, you should see a cerise Android logo on your phone's screen, and yous'll see a wall of text scrolling past—this is CF Auto Root doing its job and rooting your device. When the procedure is consummate, your phone will automatically reboot, and you'll exist rooted. At this bespeak, it's safe to unplug your device from your computer.

If you'd like to follow along with a visual guide, check out my video beneath, which covers using CF Machine Root to root the Nexus 6.

Pace half dozen: Verify Root

When you get back up, your device should be fully rooted. To verify this, download an app called Root Checker from developer joeykrim.

  • Install Root Checker for gratuitous from the Google Play Store

Once you've installed the app, just open it up and tap "Verify Root." From here, tap "Grant" when prompted to requite the app Superuser access, and if everything went off without a hitch, you lot'll see a message saying "Congratulations! Root access is properly installed on this device!"

Now that yous're rooted, what'south the showtime mod or app you installed to take advantage of your new Superuser status? Allow us know in the annotate section below, or drop usa a line on Android Hacks' Facebook or Twitter, or Gadget Hacks' Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.

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